What Is
School Management Software?
School management software introduces a new platform by embedding new-edge technology into the educational sector. The digital platform is capable of managing the school management activities making them smarter. The comprehensive features of school management software not only reduce the workload of the institution’s employees but also streamline the major functionalities like fee collection, academic timetable scheduling, results declaration. School management can focus on other productive activities like increasing student enrollment ratio, embedding new ways of learning as they are relieved from the workload hassles.
What Is
The Importance Of The School Management System?
In today’s world, administration & management of organizations, particularly educational institutions, has become a tedious and complex task. There are various activities and curriculum tasks, which needs to handle with careful planning, to the point control of the administrative process and systematic approach to help students, their parents, teachers and even the management of the educational institution. Schoolpesa school management System is a powerful tool to manage all your administrative task with a single line integrated system.
Which Are
The Most Important Features Of School ERP Software?
Schoolpesa school ERP Software offers you anytime, anywhere access, ensure smooth functioning of the academic process. Schoolpesa effectively manages your day to day administrative activity like managing grades, student attendance, Exam & Result, Employee & Payroll, Fees & Account, Certificates, Front office, Transportation, Hostel, Library, Canteen etc. Schoolpesa offers you an integrated solution like integrated SMS, Mobile App, Biometric, Online Payment Gateway, Tally Integration, Barcode, Online Exam & much more, satisfying a need of complete school ERP for hassle-free school management. Schoolpesa school software’s powerful reporting & analysis tool makes your campus automated & paperless ultimately saves time, resources & cost.
How Much
Does A School Software Cost?
A comprehensive school software offers various modules to carry out major functionalities. It has separate modules for administrative, academic scheduling, student management, payroll. Not all institutes require all automation features so at, Schoolpesa we offer customization of school software packages and allows the educational institutes to select modules as per the requirement. Pay per module approach proves to be economical as you don’t have to purchase the entire software, rather you pay only for the modules you want.